How to Turbocharge Student Well-being

Introducing ‘My School Journey’ and ‘My Primary School Journey’ Programs for Student Well-being

As schools gear up for the 2025 academic year, the focus on student well-being and personal growth is more important than ever. Reflective writing has emerged as a powerful tool to enhance emotional resilience and self-awareness—key elements of the Australian Curriculum’s General Capability of Personal and Social Capability.

In response to this need, 12 Stories has created two innovative programs:


The driving force in the creation of these two programs has been to empower teachers with ready-made, engaging resources to offer vital support to students at these two critical junctures of their education journey.

According to AITSL, ‘Transition points, such as the commencement of primary school, moving from primary to secondary school, and exiting secondary school, represent a time of change and have the potential to be stressful in the short term.’ 

‘My School Journey’: Supporting Year 12 Student Well-being

The final year of school is a crucial time of transition, with students navigating academic demands and future aspirations. ‘My School Journey’ is a structured 12-topic reflective writing program designed to help Year 12 students process their experiences, build resilience, and develop essential life skills.

Through the program, students:

  • Benefit from boosted well-being
  • Create a personal keepsake
  • Enjoy a positive, non-assessed pastoral experience


Here’s a sample of some of the prompts:

  • From Topic 3: ChallengesWhat’s been your greatest challenge this year or in recent years, and how did you get through it?
  • From Topic 9: Lessons LearnedWhat’s one lesson you want to take with you into the future?
  • From Topic 10: Moments of JoyDescribe a time when you brought happiness to someone else.


Teachers implementing this program report increased confidence, emotional clarity, and motivation among students.

According to Queensland Year 12 teacher, Christine Stein, the program is, ‘A great resource for our Seniors. The ideas, activities and formatting are so good.’

My School Journey - student well-being - covers
Student well-being in My School Journey - writing examples

‘My Primary School Journey’: Fostering Student Well-being by Celebrating Growth and Transition

Similarly, for students in their final year of primary school, ‘My Primary School Journey’ provides an opportunity to reflect on friendships, achievements, and memorable experiences across 12 topic/prompt sets.

This program supports young learners:

  • By boosting student well-being through celebrating the past and preparing for what lies ahead
  • To capture memories and create a personal keepsake
  • By providing a positive and safe thinking space


There are 12 topics incorporated within the program, including:

  • First Days at School
  • My Personal Growth
  • Celebrating Milestones
  • Gratitude


Each topic comes with three questions and three corresponding sentence starters to support students in their reflection process.

Teachers have noted that this approach helps young learners approach the transition to secondary school with greater confidence and optimism.

My Primary School Journey - Student Well-being Booklet and Teacher Guide cover pages
Student well-being - Questions and sentence starters for first days at school

Reflective Writing: A Research-backed Approach to Student Well-being

Reflective writing is more than a creative exercise—it’s a research-backed approach to fostering mental well-being and personal growth. Structured reflection helps students reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and develop coping mechanisms—all critical skills for real life.

These two 12 Stories’ programs are comprehensive, providing structured samples, prompts and templates that guide students in articulating their thoughts and feelings. These activities not only improve student well-being but also enhance literacy and communication skills.

Other features of both programs:

  • Comprehensive resource pack – delivered digitally ready for immediate download/use
  • Printable or Fillable PDF options – flexibility to cater for all learning needs
  • Students work independently supported by a step-by-step approach
  • No direct teaching required
  • Student Booklet is accompanied by Teacher Guide to support program delivery


A Special Offer for Schools in 2025

To help schools prepare for 2025, 12 Stories is offering a 20% discount for schools that register for either program before the end of February 2025 using code EARLYBIRD20. This offer allows educators to plan ahead and give students the tools they need to succeed during key transitions.


Reflective writing is a powerful tool for supporting student well-being, strengthening emotional resilience, and fostering self-awareness—key elements of the Australian Curriculum’s Personal and Social Capability. Programs like ‘My School Journey’ and ‘My Primary School Journey’ empower students to process their experiences, celebrate their growth, and approach the future with confidence.

Educators and school administrators interested in introducing these programs can visit for the Year 12 program and for the final year of Primary program.

With the support of these programs, you can help your students embrace their journeys and thrive in school and beyond.

About 12 Stories:

12 Stories was founded in mid-2024 by Queensland-based mother and daughter team, Judy and Cathy Hallewell. Both of us have had careers as teachers (Judy as a primary teacher and Cathy as a Head of English and secondary school Pastoral Care teacher), so we have a real passion for people and their stories. We believe every individual has many life stories to tell and we believe wholeheartedly in the myriad of benefits which come with reflective writing.